Home Niten

Instituto Cultural Niten


"Passing cloud, stream of water", the ephemeris of moments, things, and life like a passing cloud and a stream of flowing water.


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Presencial trainings resumed with recommended protocols. Necessary to schedule visit +44 7508 721247
305 Garratt Lane
SW18 4EQ
Instructors: Alessandro Rabello and Tais Boeira



If you are interested in enrolling as a student of Niten (virtual or in-person), please fill out the ONLINE FORM and follow the steps indicated. There is no registration fee. After submitting the form, we will contact you through whatsapp and guide you to complete the registration, which can be done ONLINE. MORE INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED HERE

Monthly fees:

By joining the Niten Institute, you are opening doors to the ancient culture, history, techniques, and philosophies of the Samurais. Your monthly fee not only ensures your participation in face-to-face classes but also grants you exclusive online meetings with Sensei Jorge Kishikawa, complemented by interactive online classes throughout the week. Remember: each dojo (training location) has its own fee structure that might occasionally be adjusted. Visit the nearest dojo to learn about the updated monthly fees.


Beginners can train with T-shirt and sport pants (Judo pants, jogging pants, or similar).
The definitive uniform consists of the Institute´s custom Kimono and Hakama, and the basic practice swords are a standard bamboo shinai and a wooden bokken. Other equipment, such as combat armor (bogu) and additional weapons, can be acquired according to the progression of each student. For the combat armor, there is also the option of renting armor from the dojo. For details about equipment, uniform or rental availability, please ask the instructors of the Dojo.

Getting Started

Visit a training session:

All training sessions are open to interested observers. Please just schedule your visit thru our WhatsApp contact.

Experimental Classes:

If you are interested in participating, but not sure about enrolling, you can take part in experimental lessons for your first visit. We will provide the necessary equipment, and you won’t have to worry about enrollment and equipment fees unless you decide to continue. The ideal outfit for beginners is a dark T-shirt and breathable workout pants.


Adults of all ages, men and women can train. There are no specific prerequisites nor the need to previously have physical training or experience in martial arts. The training brings technical, physical and interior progress to all ages and stages of life.


Only those who are 18 years or older can participate.


Sessions are from 1 to 2 hours in length. Training sessions are made up of various parts, warm-up, basics of strokes and techniques, sequence training and combat. Combat training is usually divided up into groups of beginners, intermediates, and graduates, while at other times the more experienced may work with and guide the most novice. How frequently one should train depends on the potential of each student. With training just once a week, it will be easy to to see technical progress, physical and health-related benefits, and the assimilation of the principles and values of the Bushido philosophy. A lower frequency of training is still valid, and can provide results for students with less availability.


During any visit to the Dojo, try to stay until the end of the session and participate in the Golden Moments, when the training is complemented with elements of Japanese culture and Bushido samurai philosophy.

KIR Method:

KIR is a training method aimed at the physical, mental and emotional development of the student, giving little emphasis to competitiveness and discouraging the use of force. With this positive energy, the student feels confident to fully develop their potential.

What we train


The art of the samurai sword is still alive and can be practiced today, with the closest approximation of the experiences by which samurai lived for centuries. There are hundreds of stances and fighting techniques that are practiced during training sessions with the use of appropriate equipment for protection and safety.

Within Kenjutsu is practiced the Niten Ichi Ryu style, created by the samurai Miyamoto Musashi Sensei. The name of this style means “Two Skies as One,” alluding to the famous techniques of two swords, able to defeat the most skilled opponents with whom Musashi-Sensei crossed swords.
Welcome to the
London Dojo
of the Niten Institute

Niten Institute is arriving at London!

Through Niten Institute, our master Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has been teaching hundreds of students in all America and Portugal the ancient martial arts of the Samurai warriors for 25 years.

More then a way to strengthen the body, Kenjutsu is a way to keep mind, spirit and body in balance. At Niten London you will practice Kenjutsu Combat, created by our master Sensei Jorge Kishikawa, being able to apply several ancient techniques in combat using a bamboo sword (shinai) and a modern armor (bogu).

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We keep training hard!

por Alessandro - 25-Aug-2020

We keep training hard to keep our spirit strong. Now also improving Iaijutsu.
Zoom Lessons:
Wednesdays at 7:30 am - Iaijutsu
Saturdays at 9 am - Iaijutsu and at 10 am - Kenjutsu
We are waiting for you all!

comments   1 of 1

Luiz Otávio de Lima Rodrigues - LondresGambatte mina san!

It`s really nice to have to opportunity to keep training even with this whole situation! The classes over the web are working very nice, and we are practising Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu with lots of details!

Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita (Continues)


por Niten - 21-May-2020


por Niten - 30-Apr-2020


por NITEN - 24-Apr-2020

April 24 is the Samurai Day!
The birthday of our Sensei Jorge Kishikawa!
We celebrate and appreciate the full and complete dedication to spread the legacy of the samurai sword warrior tradition!
Omedetou Gozaimassu to all Samurai!
Otanjoubi Omedetou al Sensei Jorge Kishikawa!
Arigatou Gozaimashita Sensei, Sempais and Students of the Niten Institute !!

Safe harbour

por Niten - 16-Apr-2020

In these difficult times that we are going through we were able to have a training session and have contact with everyone from dojo. And even limited by messages it was possible to see that everyone is well and protecting themselves. It was truly fantastic!

Otavio training in home

Continues (complete post)


por - 07-Apr-2020

Frontline - Thomas

por Niten - 31-Mar-2020

Thomas is the instructor of Denver`s dojo. He is broadcasting the on-line english classes of Kenjutsu!

These classes are free for everyone, including absolute beginners! Follow our Instagram @niten.english !
For more informations, read all the content of Kenjutsu at Home.


Thomas, the instructor of Denver`s Dojo


por Niten - 20-Mar-2020

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Following WHO guidelines, the Niten Institute`s Dojos are temporarily closed.
But we know that training is the best way to strengthen our body and spirit!
Moderate intensity exercises have a beneficial effect on the immune system, decreasing the risk of infections! So let`s maintain a training routine!
Even from home.
Instituto Niten is preparing video lessons for students and those interested in continuing to strengthen their spirit and body in this moment of COVID-19 Don`t let the energy stand still!
In addition to the practical part of the training, we will continue to publish the Golden Moments of Sensei Jorge Kishikawa.
Let`s continue the search for spiritual and technical improvement!
A quest that overcomes the barriers of the Dojos and keeps us together on the Samurai`s Path!
Cultivating the values ​​of Bushido and applying it to our daily lives together we will overcome this war with Courage, Compassion, Honor and Energy together!
Welcome to your first class!

Tags: kenjutsuathome,

Final de Ano 2019

por - 30-Jan-2020

Por todas as emoções que passamos juntos neste ano,
tenho a certeza de que ganhei 2019.
Feliz Ano Novo!!!

Por todas las emociones que passamos juntos este año,
tengo la certeza que vencí al 2019.
Feliz año nuevo!!!

For all the emotions that we went through together in this year,
I’m sure that 2019 was a year I won.
Happy New Year!!!

Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
Dez 2019

Tags: Egan2019_Dez,


por Niten - 03-Oct-2019



Graduates UK - London

niten kobudo kenkyusho topo
Niten London
075 0872 1247 / +44 7508 721247