The FREE classes by ZOOM work as an experimental class. You participate by ZOOM, where you can also interact with the instructor!
To participate send a message to us:
• EMAIL [email protected]
• WHATSAPP +1 (202) 460-6686
Mention that you want to participate in an Experimental Class at ZOOM
and we will contact you and send you the LINK, day and time of the next open training!
To actively participate, improvise a training sword!
Learn more about it at this link:
In the open classes we will pass on the basics and you will also know a little more about the training and our Dojo culture at Niten. At the end we will explain how we are working in this period, and how to become a registered student and go to regular training with the group online!
Let`s keep the energy moving!
Welcome to join us even more!
Firme no espírito de combate, o Dojo Juiz de Fora mantém seus treinos regularmente por meio digital, utilizando o aplicativo Zoom. Temos 3 treinos por semana das 3 modalidades: Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu e Jojutsu.
Todos aqueles que já são alunos do Niten são bem-vindo aos nossos treinos. Para acesso ao grupo do nosso Dojo Virtual clique aqui e junte-se a nós para compartilharmos as técnicas e a energia que nos mantém firmes durante essa guerra!
Interessados externos que desejarem se matricular no Niten podem entrar em contato com o coordenador Hugo Nogueira pelo Whatsapp (32) 99145-1371.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!