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Newsboard Niten Miami

Frontline - Thomas

por Niten - US/ - 31-Mar-2020

Thomas is the instructor of Denver`s dojo. He is broadcasting the on-line english classes of Kenjutsu!

These classes are free for everyone, including absolute beginners! Follow our Instagram @niten.english !
For more informations, read all the content of Kenjutsu at Home.


Thomas, the instructor of Denver`s Dojo


por Niten - Internacional - 20-Mar-2020

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Following WHO guidelines, the Niten Institute`s Dojos are temporarily closed.
But we know that training is the best way to strengthen our body and spirit!
Moderate intensity exercises have a beneficial effect on the immune system, decreasing the risk of infections! So let`s maintain a training routine!
Even from home.
Instituto Niten is preparing video lessons for students and those interested in continuing to strengthen their spirit and body in this moment of COVID-19 Don`t let the energy stand still!
In addition to the practical part of the training, we will continue to publish the Golden Moments of Sensei Jorge Kishikawa.
Let`s continue the search for spiritual and technical improvement!
A quest that overcomes the barriers of the Dojos and keeps us together on the Samurai`s Path!
Cultivating the values ​​of Bushido and applying it to our daily lives together we will overcome this war with Courage, Compassion, Honor and Energy together!
Welcome to your first class!

Tags: kenjutsuathome,

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    Niten Institute USA, Limited
    +1 (954) 734-4586
    [email protected]