"Sensei Jorge Kishikawa Niten Institute Our Golden Moment yesterday was about patience. It reminded me of something I`ve meant to do for a few months now. When Senpai Thomas first recommended that we write a "letter from the heart", I resisted. As a severe introvert with a few months of training, what could I say that would be meaningful? I was impressed by Senpai Kenzo of course. He was b and graceful, confident and direct. Sensei, when you came to visit I was even more impressed. The students who came with you were many, capable, and confident. The training was (just the right level of) challenging and helpful. The demonstrations of keiko and weapons skills were exciting, wonderful, enlightening, and inspirational. I was grateful for your time and attention. Honestly though, having studied with some exceptional humans in my life, I expected no less. Your leadership, skill, and grace were remarkable, but a few hours is not enough time to really get to know someone. Still, this experience confirmed that I was in the right place. I want to learn as much from you as I can. The second time Senpai Thomas requested feedback, I was slightly embarrassed that I had not responded the first time. But still, I struggled to find the words to express myself and my commitment. What could I possibly say that you haven`t heard before? (...) Continues (complete post) |
Kenzo Senpai had Thomas Senpai and I practice various techniques, on all of them Kenzo Senpai pointed out minor errors in my form. Agh... A wave of frustration hit me after hearing of my mistakes. However, this was replaced by acceptance, determination, and a hint of joy because I now understood some finer details. I thought to myself, "I must train harder, I must seek perfection". Later we moved onto Keiko and it was here I had a good opportunity to focus on Kenzo Senpai´s advice. Even more I could notice the errors in my way but knowing the problem is the start of fixing it.
It was most enjoyable to watch Kenzo Senpai spar with Thomas Senpai, there I could see well executed techniques and proper form. Kenzo Senpai was constantly changing his stance and weapons, peaking my interest to train harder. To have so many options in combat is when things will get truly exciting.
Just speaking casually with such an experienced Senpai helped me to undertand him better and to appreciate his many years of training.
Arigatou Gozaimashita
Caleb - Denver