"Straighten Up Your Ki"
These are the words from Sensei that I think of each time a Senpai comes to visit and train with our dojos here in the United States.
Even after the Senpai has moved on to the next step of their journey, I can see and feel the difference in myself as well as the other students. Our alignment is better.
It is not just in how straight we stand or the technique of our strikes, but instead it can be seen in the whole, how our dojo moves and trains together.
Of course, it takes a lot of work to make this difference; Kenzo-senpai"s visit was no exception!
We had only four full days to enjoy Kenzo senpai"s company and we made the most of it by training every day.
With his positive demeanor and boundless energy, Kenzo senpai worked us through exercises we knew as well as plenty of others we did not.
He demonstrated variations on techniques we had previously touched on and helped us to discover a better understanding of the sword.
During our intensive gashuku on Sunday, Kenzo-senpai also crossed swords with each of the students in shiai.
Of course, this gave them a taste of what awaits them in October, at the World Cup.
Our dojo has a lot of training ahead of ourselves to prepare, but we will bring a strong Kiai all the way from the USA to Brazil!
Arigatou gozaimashita Kenzo-senpai! Otsukare-sama deshita!