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Kenjutsu at Home fo All

New and free content to keep the energy moving during the COVID-19 crisis!

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    por Gabrielle-Cax - RS/Caxias do Sul - 30-Jul-2020

    Saudações Mina-San!

    Já é uma tradição na sexta-feira: encontrar os irmãos de espada e treino com o senpai Joel! 

    Com esses treinos especiais estamos tendo a oportunidade de conhecer e integrar colegas de Caminho de todos os cantos do mundo!

    Do Brasil: do norte ao sul brasileiro! Sem contar da Colômbia, Argentina, Chile, Miami!!

    Seguem os relatos dos alunos:

    Quando consegui participar do treino da sexta-feira vi que estava tomando um men certeiro, toda semana,  devido a falta de gestão do tempo que me impedia de participar. Embora o tempo de treino seja curto e a dinâmica seja rápida, os ensinamentos dos Senpais me fazem compreender muitos aspectos técnicos e filosóficos do caminho da espada e também a compreender melhor o degrau em que me encontro neste caminho. Sinto que treinar em uma época tão difícil como essa é sem dúvidas uma honra e um privilégio, e absorver ao máximo os ensinamentos dos treinos é uma responsabilidade que temos com o tempo investido pelo Sensei e pelos Senpai.  – Barros, Salvador - BA

    Treinar com colegas de outras unidades sempre é empolgante. A energia cresce a cada comando e ao som de um "hai" cheio de kiai! É uma experiencia que não imaginava vivenciar, mas graças ao Sensei e aos Sempais, podemos continuar firmes no caminho, alcançando cada degrau, aprendendo técnica, detalhes, segredos, ganhando e compartilhando experiencias e ao final dos treinos, um clássico birudo para rir e relaxar depois de uma semana estressante.

    O kiai se mantém. 
    O caminho continua. 
    Não podemos parar. 
    Seguimos firme.
    Estamos a Postos! 
    Samurais do Niten!

    - Bianca, Ribeirão Preto - SP


    Continues (complete post)

    Tags: kenjutsuemcasa, kenjutsuencasa, kenjutsuathome, Relatos,

    Kenjutsu at Home

    por - Niten - 27-Mar-2020

    Following WHO guidelines, the Niten Institute`s Dojos are temporarily closed.
    But we know that training is the best way to strengthen our body and spirit!
    Moderate intensity exercises have a beneficial effect on the immune system, decreasing the risk of infections! So let`s maintain a training routine!
    Even from home.
    The Niten Institute is preparing video lessons for everyone that is interested in strengthen their spirit and body in this moment of COVID-19.
    The training is simple and can be done at home with improvised materials. The lessons also include portions from Sensei Jorge Kishikawa`s Golden Moments.
    Don`t let the energy stand still!
    Welcome to your first class!

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,


    por - Niten - 27-Mar-2020

    Enable subtitles!

    Children that are at home can easily do about thirty minutes of this first lesson.
    We ask the parents to also take part on the exercises. You may also invite their siblings to the practice.
    This will be a moment to exercise their energy and joyfulness and to practice the rei (reverence) and respect for others that the Japanese culture provides us, so always be affectionate and respect their pace. From the Dojo to your home.
    We hope that this will be a pause to your “home office” that will bring energy for the times ahead.

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,


    por - Niten - 27-Mar-2020

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,


    por - Niten - 27-Mar-2020

    Training Material
    The basic home training material is a wooden or bamboo sword, OR improvise it!
    We`ll also use a KODACHI, a short sword, wooden or bamboo, 
    very practical at that time because it requires less space!
    One more time: who desn`t have a KODACHI, let`s improvise!
    The most classic way to improvise a training sword is to cut a broomstick!
    The normal adult long sword is approximately 1 meter long.
    For people of smaller stature it can be less: 95cm, 90cm. For children it can be 80cm.
    The size of the sword will also depend on the of the ceiling available for training!
    If your ceiling is low (and you are tall ...?) You will need to make your sword shorter, 
    so that it does not touch the ceiling, even when you do broad movements over the head.
    Shorten as much as necessary. The conditions will not be ideal, and even with a shorter sword the central objective of the training can be achieved!
    KODACHI is easier to improvise, it can even be used as a rolled-up magazine (which results in a good weight!)
    You can saw a broomstick to make a KODACHI or indicated length between 40 cm and 65 cm, including the weight of the material and the of the practitioner.
    The ideal grip of a sword is oval, to facilitate and stimulate the correct grip. This can be difficult to achieve by improvising from home. The broomstick is a little too thin, and quite plump. It still works!
    The weight of the broomstick is also a little too light. 
    One solution is to make a heavier improvised sword after the first training session by joining two pieces of broomstick with tape, masking tape or silver tape.
    If your hand is large, you can do the same to the grip. If it gets too uncomfortable, better use the simple, lightweight cable.
    If you are not used to lifting weight, a lighter weight for your sword is indicated. 
    Apply more weight only if you feel comfortable.

    The resistance of a broomstick can be a little weak. 
    Still, the movements in the air with a broomstick should not be enough to break it.
    Take care not to hit any object.
    Attention and common sense are always recommended!
    Whoever has tools at home and knowledge of carpentry, can try to make a wooden sword (BOKUTO).
     As a raw material, you can even use a strip of bed frame.
    One thing to keep in mind with wooden swords is that they are not too heavy (maximum 600 grams) and that the weight is not concentrated on the tip. 
    The center of gravity should be closer to the grip than to the tip.
    Both with homemade swords, purchased BOKUTOS and broom handles, should always watch out for the possibility of splinters and cracks.
    Especially with improvised BOKUTOS, never make moves towards a person. Something can go wrong and a part of the sword will break and be thrown forward.
    Be careful with those who pass behind you, because when we pull the sword backwards we do not see who passes behind! This situation of hitting someone behind is potentially the most dangerous.
    During practice should be no one behind you!

    Safety always comes first!

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,


    por - Niten - 10-Jun-2020

    For those who are not yet a student, we created Online classes for all interested!
    Start now training Kenjutsu at your location

    Interactive classes by ZOOM.

    The FREE classes by ZOOM work as an experimental class. You participate by ZOOM, where you can also interact with the instructor!

    To participate send a message to us:


    • EMAIL [email protected]

    • WHATSAPP +1 (202) 460-6686


    Mention that you want to participate in an Experimental Class at ZOOM
    and we will contact you and send you the LINK, day and time of the next open training!

    To actively participate, improvise a training sword!
    Learn more about it at this link:

    In the open classes we will pass on the basics and you will also know a little more about the training and our Dojo culture at Niten. At the end we will explain how we are working in this period, and how to become a registered student and go to regular training with the group online!

    Let`s keep the energy moving!
    Welcome to join us even more!

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,

    Golden Moments - KI up to date

    por - 29-Mar-2020

    The Golden Moments are part of all training sessions at the Niten Institute.

    Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
    Instituto Niten Kendo-Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu and Jojutsu

    The Bushido philosophy applied to life.

    Tags: kenjutsuathome,

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      Niten Institute International
      +55 11 94294-8956
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