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Jornal Nikkey - Niten 25 Anos

por - Nihon - 19-Apr-2018

Niten 25 Anos
Expandindo o Kobudô 1

Trazendo os Ensinamentos de Miyamoto Musashi ao Brasil

por 山縣陸人 Yamagata Rikuto

¨Niten Ichi Ryu¨, fundado pelo iluminado Miyamoto Musashi.

É deste estilo que o Sr. Jorge Kishikawa (54ª, nissei) tem a graduação Menkyo Kaiden. É tambem fundador do Instituto Cultural Niten (doravante Niten) que completa os esplendidos 25 anos de aniversário.

São aproximadamente 1200 discipulos de oito paises em mais de 70 filiais nas Américas e na Europa compenetrados e treinando com afinco diariamente.

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Tags: Egan2019_Ago, Imprensa, Jornal,

Training with Senpai Wenzel in Colorado

por Thomas - US/Denver - 12-Apr-2018

Superior Dojo was excited to host Senpai Wenzel Bohm, head administrator of the Niten Institute and recipient of the rank of Menkyo in Niten Ichi Ryu.

During the training, Senpai Wenzel challenged our dojo with activities that changed how we think about the sword, and demonstrated a level of technique we can only achieve with true dedication.

Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita to Senpai Wenzel for an amazing visit!

Trained Mind, Body and Spirit

por Caleb - US/Denver - 12-Apr-2018

Senpai Thomas had spoken a lot about Senpai Wenzel weeks before his visit. After listening to what Senpai Thomas had said, I built an image of how Senpai Wenzel would be. However, I was quite surprised when I first saw Senpai Wenzel. Senpai Wenzel did not fit my mental image yet further observation revealed that he was indeed a true swordsman. The way he carried himself was the first sign of a trained mind, body, and spirit.


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