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Learn to Listen

por Niten - US/ - 08-Jan-2017

In training it is necessary to be silent and ready to listen.
The sword's movement.
Your master's words.
To learn to listen is to give each sound its proper importance and reverence.

"To The Niten Cultural Institute, at the service of Master Kishikawa Sensei. In this family (Niten) I found energy, inspiration, courage, determination and focus to follow throuth my project. I thank you Sensei for the opportunity to learn the values and strength of the Samurai, for sharing the strategies and techniques of Musashi Sensei* and from the Hagakure teachings. These are certainly essencial ingredients for the messages that I placed in my book. I also extend my thanks to my practicing collegues, for their presence and incentive allow me to practice and to have force of spirit in the search for my objectives. I am eternally greatefull for being welcomed in this family and I hope to give back the good that I have been receiving by living with all of you."
Part of the book: "The power of listening" from the Niten student Rodrigo Leite.

*Musashi Sensei is how the students of the Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu School call the founder of the School, Miyamoto Musashi.

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