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Have a good start to 2018 !

por Niten - Internacional - 29-Dec-2017

Weston Dojo Bonnenkai

por Takeshi - US/Miami - 27-Dec-2017

Celebrating our first year in Weston!

Coragem e Treino

por Carla - PR/Curitiba - 30-Nov-2017

"Konnichiwa Sempai! 
Tenho uma boa notícia para contar! Recebi uma promoção trabalho.
Serei Coordenadora. 
Quando o Diretor e o Gerente me comunicaram da mudança, comentaram que é um reconhecimento pela minha demonstração de envolvimento e interesse com a empresa.
Nessas horas, não há como não lembrar das coisas que aprendemos e praticamos no Niten. É uma prova de que o que adquirimos através da espada pode ser aplicado em qualquer lugar, nos diferencia dos outros, e se transforma em frutos que podemos colher.
A resiliência para resolver os problemas com tranquilidade, a clareza e sinceridade na hora de atender os clientes, a minúcia no corte de cada análise financeira, de cada documento... O iaijutsu incorporado no meu jeito de lidar com as coisas foi, pouco a pouco, aparecendo para as pessoas ao meu redor.
E é preciso reconhecer sempre o esforço do Sensei e dos senpais, por tudo que me ensinam a cada treino, dando a chance de que coisas boas como essa aconteçam em meu caminho. Kokoro kara, arigatou gozaimashita!
Por outro lado, estou assumindo esse novo posto em um momento complicado para a empresa, onde estão acontecendo muitas mudanças...
 Será um grande desafio, e acabo lembrando do meu 5º kyu, que acabei de receber. De certo modo são momentos parecidos... tenho certeza de que precisarei me agarrar à Coragem e ao treino!
Arigatou gozaimashita!!" - Carla -  Unidade Curitiba


Aluna Carla no Kangeiko (2 dias de Treinamento Intensivo no Inverno)

Pan-Americano EUA- Light and Happy

por Café com o Sensei - US/ - 21-Nov-2017

"Our first days in Miami in preparation for the Pan American Encounter was beyond my expectations. The Brazilian, Argentinian and American teams commingled very well and supported one another during the whole time.

After the preparations came the training. Heavy training followed by shiais in which even the newcomers and beginners had a chance to fight and feel the adrenaline pumping was an unforgettable experience to watch Sensei practicing in Miami.
I think that we are going in the right direction and that Niten has a bright future in the US.
Our bodies may be tired but our souls are light and happy...." Barreto - São Paulo


"Nossos primeiros dias em Miami em preparação para Encontro Pan-Americano ultrapassaram minhas expectativas.
Os grupos Brasileiros, Argentinos e Americanos se entrosaram muito bem e apoiaram uns aos outros durante todo o tempo.
Após os preparativos veio o treino. Treino pesado seguido por Shiais (Lutas) em que até os visitantes e iniciantes tiveram a oportunidade de lutar e sentir a adrenalida pulsando, foi uma experiência inesquecível assistir ao Sensei praticar em Miami.
Acredito que estamos indo na direção certa e que o Niten tem um futuro brilhante nos Estados Unidos.
Nossos corpos podem estar cansados mas nossos espíritos estão leves e felizes..." Barreto - São Paulo

Manhã histórica em Miami: Chegamos.

A Casa cheia no Suburi a todo vapor!

Pintando Manet no Colorado


Samurais em Denver

Denver Banzai!

Samurais no far west


A Arte Samurai chega em Miami!

Happy End!

Tags: Egan2017_Dez,

Golden Moments - PRIORITY

por Niten - Internacional - 02-Nov-2017

Golden Moments - Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
The Bushido philosophy applied in our daily life.

Tags: GoldenMoments,

16º TBEK

por Niten - blog - 28-Oct-2017

16º Torneio Brasileiro por Equipes de Kobudô 2017

Em Outubro tivemos nosso Torneio por Equipes de Kobudô!
O Torneio é uma experiencia inesquecivel, é dia de montar sua equipe e  Suparar limites cruzando Espadas.

A empolgação das torcidas animou a todos os Competidores!
Arigatou Gozaimashita pela presença de todos alunos e familiares!

Galeria Completa com Fotos e Vídeos

Tags: Egan2017_Dez,

FIRST REPORT - Pan-Americano Niten

por Niten - blog - 10-Oct-2017

First news from Pan American with the entourage of Brazilians and Argentines at the dojos of Miami and Denver...

"Shitsureishimasu, Sensei
Our first day in Miami in preparation for the Pan American Encounter was beyond my expectations. The Brazilian, Argentinian and American teams commingled very well and supported one another during the whole day. I had the opportunity to talk to most of the participants and got very positive comments from all of them. Heard from an American that got his first kyu today: "I don"t like to wake up early. The only day thatI do is the one that I have the Niten class ".
 I think that we are going in the right direction and that Niten has a bright future in the US
Arigato gozaimashita.
Sayonara," Barreto

"Shitsurei Shimassu
Nosso primeiro dia em Miami em preparação para Encontro Pan-Americano ultrapassaram minhas expectativas.
Os grupos Brasileiros, Argentinos e Americanos se entrosaram muito bem e apoiaram uns aos outros durante o dia inteiro. Eu tive a oportunidade de falar com a maioria dos participantes e recebi ótimos comentários de todos.
Ouvi de um americano que recebeu seu 1º Kyu (Graduação) hoje: "Eu não gosto de acordar cedo. O único dia que faço isso é o dia das aulas do Niten" 
Acredito que estamos indo na direção certa e que o Niten tem um futuro brilhante nos Estados Unidos.
Arigato gozaimashita.
Sayounara" Barreto - Aluno Niten São Paulo

First Day in US - Bayside 

Aprendendo a se virar no Mundo

por Kenzo - US/ - 06-Oct-2017

"Na primeira vez que vim ao Japão disse que os ensinamentos do Sensei e do Niten me ajudaram muito, especialmente para não cometer gafes e evitar problemas.

Nesta segunda vez não foi diferente. Ao procurar emprego e ao falar com meus chefes japoneses por exemplo, as palavras que o Sensei nos passa são importantes e causam admiração quando as reconhecemos e as recitamos: Majime, isshokenme, sei sei do do, entre outras.
Mas o que me impressionou foi que, ao ficar um mês nos EUA, lá também o Niten funciona!

Ao me portar seguindo os ensinamentos do Niten, recebia elogios e todos me achavam agradável e educado. Ao andar na rua como se estivesse no dojo, seguindo a etiqueta e os costumes japoneses ensinados pelo Sensei, você tem as portas do mundo abertas. 
Me senti realmente assim, como se pudesse ir a qualquer lugar do planeta e ser aceito, graças ao jeito Niten de ser.
Arigatougozaimashitá!  Sayounara!" 


Tags: Egan2017_Dez,

Momentos de Ouro - Sabedoria Samurai para o dia a dia

por - Niten - 04-Oct-2017

O Instituto Niten vem divulgando nos Cafés com o Sensei e nas redes Sociais, alguns trechos dos Momentos de Ouro

Tão importantes quanto o treinamento técnico,
ou mais, porque são feitos para mudar o Homem

Nos Momentos finais do treino o, os alunos se reúnem em torno do Sensei ou do Senpai responsável pelo treinamento para ouvir ensinamentos sobre a cultura samurai e a filosofia japonesa. Conceitos como Disciplina, Auto-Controle e Concentração são abordados sob a ótica samurai e os alunos aprendem como utilizar os ensinamentos da espada em seu dia-a-dia.

Veja mais vídeos com trechos de Momentos de Ouro no Site
Português / Español

Tags: Egan2017_Dez,


por Niten - US/Denver - 21-Sep-2017

the original samurai sword combat technique

For his second Workshop in the USA, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa will be accompanied by several graduates, and will introduce the whole syllabus of Niten Institute"s practice of Kenjutsu: the varied ancient techniques and their application in free sparring, the philosophy and the tradition that fascinates his more than 1000 students on different continents.

In teaching the samurai sword arts for more than 40 years, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has brought together techniques from innumerable samurai styles and modernized their application to combat training. Among many technical achievements, Sensei Jorge Kisihkawa earned the highest rank in the Niten Ichi Ryu style (founded by Miyamoto Musashi during the first half of the 17th century) from grand master Gosho Motoharu.

The combination of his outstanding technical skills, with the philosophy and knowledge gained through 50 years of close interaction with Japanese masters generated a unique practice experience that has been passed to his students in the Niten Institute since 1993, and is now also available in the US at the first dojos in Florida and Colorado.

You are welcome to join us in this Workshop for a strong introduction to Kenjutsu Combat!

Kenjutsu is the name given to the techniques developed by renowned samurai, which are still practiced in Japan in the form of katas (pre-defined movements that simulate combat using a wooden sword).

Kendo is the sport created by simplifying Kenjutsu techniques into 4 basic strokes and one kamae (posture/stance), using a modern Bogu (armor) and Shinai (bamboo sword).

Kenjutsu Combat, created by Sensei Jorge Kishikawa, is the application of ancient Kenjutsu techniques in combat with modern Bogu and Shinai, making sparring training possible, without the limits of Kendo. This allows for the use of other weapons, such as Kodachi (shortsword), two swords, and Naginata (Japanese pole-arm).

Date: Tuesday - October, 10th, 2017
Hour: 6 pm - 8 pm EST

Lifetime Fitness Westminster*
397 W. 148th Avenue,
Westminster, COLORADO 80020

Registration: 15 minutes before start
Charge: 50 USD
*Different location than regular classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays
More Information:

Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
- Born in Brazil, son of Japanese immigrants, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa started training Kendo at the age of 5;
- First Brazilian to achive the 7th Dan Kiyoshi in Kendo, after examination by a board of Japanese Sensei;
- Won 15 Brazilian Kendo Championships before the age of 35, when he ceased to take part in tournaments, and was twice 2nd place in World Kendo Championships;
- In his career made more than 70 shugyo (special intensive training) in Japan to learn more about Kendo and Kenjutsu from highest Japanese masters, and continues to do so;
- Menkyo Kaiden (highest graduation and considered to know all the secrets of the techniques) in more than one Kenjutsu School, including Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, one of the most famous of the classical Kenjutsu Schools and founded by Miyamoto Musashi, considered by many the strongest Samurai of all time;
- Other Kenjutsu Schools that Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has mastered and is authorized to teach include:
* Katori Shinto Ryu
* Suio Ryu
* Shindo Muso Ryu
* Kasumi Shinto Ryu
* Sekiguchi Ryu
- Some of these Schools not only have sword techniques but also other weapons that Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has also mastered, some of which he has also adapted to combat with Bogu, such as:
* Kodachi (Small sword)
* Nito (Two Swords together)
* Naguinata jutsu (halberd)
* Yari (Spear)
* Kusari-gama jutsu(a scythe or sickle with a chain attached and a iron weight at other end)
* Jo jutsu (fighting techniques with a staff)
* Bo jutsu (fighting techniques with a long Staff)
* Tanjo jutsu (fighting techniques with a cane)
* Jitte jutsu (a pronged steel truncheon used to disarm enemies with swords)
* Iai jutsu (sword drawing techniques)
* Tameshigiri/Battou jutsu (cutting techniques)
- Jorge Kishikawa Sensei is also a Medical Physician and served in the Brazilian Army as a Doctor.

More details on the website:


por Niten - US/Miami - 21-Sep-2017

the original samurai sword combat technique

For his second Workshop in the USA, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa will be accompanied by several graduates, and will introduce the whole syllabus of Niten Institute"s practice of Kenjutsu: the varied ancient techniques and their application in free sparring, the philosophy and the tradition that fascinates his more than 1000 students on different continents.

In teaching the samurai sword arts for more than 40 years, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has brought together techniques from innumerable samurai styles and modernized their application to combat training. Among many technical achievements, Sensei Jorge Kisihkawa earned the highest rank in the Niten Ichi Ryu style (founded by Miyamoto Musashi during the first half of the 17th century) from grand master Gosho Motoharu.

The combination of his outstanding technical skills, with the philosophy and knowledge gained through 50 years of close interaction with Japanese masters generated a unique practice experience that has been passed to his students in the Niten Institute since 1993, and is now also available in the US at the first dojos in Florida and Colorado.

You are welcome to join us in this Workshop for a strong introduction to Kenjutsu Combat!

Kenjutsu is the name given to the techniques developed by renowned samurai, which are still practiced in Japan in the form of katas (pre-defined movements that simulate combat using a wooden sword).

Kendo is the sport created by simplifying Kenjutsu techniques into 4 basic strokes and one kamae (posture/stance), using a modern Bogu (armor) and Shinai (bamboo sword).

Kenjutsu Combat, created by Sensei Jorge Kishikawa, is the application of ancient Kenjutsu techniques in combat with modern Bogu and Shinai, making sparring training possible, without the limits of Kendo. This allows for the use of other weapons, such as Kodachi (shortsword), two swords, and Naginata (Japanese pole-arm).

Date: Sunday - October, 8th, 2017
Hour: 2 pm - 4 pm EST

1647 Bonaventure Blvd
Weston, FLORIDA 33326

Registration: 15 minutes before start
Charge: 50 USD
*Same location of regular classes at Saturdays
More Information:

Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
- Born in Brazil, son of Japanese immigrants, Sensei Jorge Kishikawa started training Kendo at the age of 5;
- First Brazilian to achive the 7th Dan Kiyoshi in Kendo, after examination by a board of Japanese Sensei;
- Won 15 Brazilian Kendo Championships before the age of 35, when he ceased to take part in tournaments, and was twice 2nd place in World Kendo Championships;
- In his career made more than 70 shugyo (special intensive training) in Japan to learn more about Kendo and Kenjutsu from highest Japanese masters, and continues to do so;
- Menkyo Kaiden (highest graduation and considered to know all the secrets of the techniques) in more than one Kenjutsu School, including Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, one of the most famous of the classical Kenjutsu Schools and founded by Miyamoto Musashi, considered by many the strongest Samurai of all time;
- Other Kenjutsu Schools that Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has mastered and is authorized to teach include:
* Katori Shinto Ryu
* Suio Ryu
* Shindo Muso Ryu
* Kasumi Shinto Ryu
* Sekiguchi Ryu
- Some of these Schools not only have sword techniques but also other weapons that Sensei Jorge Kishikawa has also mastered, some of which he has also adapted to combat with Bogu, such as:
* Kodachi (Small sword)
* Nito (Two Swords together)
* Naguinata jutsu (halberd)
* Yari (Spear)
* Kusari-gama jutsu(a scythe or sickle with a chain attached and a iron weight at other end)
* Jo jutsu (fighting techniques with a staff)
* Bo jutsu (fighting techniques with a long Staff)
* Tanjo jutsu (fighting techniques with a cane)
* Jitte jutsu (a pronged steel truncheon used to disarm enemies with swords)
* Iai jutsu (sword drawing techniques)
* Tameshigiri/Battou jutsu (cutting techniques)
- Jorge Kishikawa Sensei is also a Medical Physician and served in the Brazilian Army as a Doctor.

More details on the website:

Shugyo de Izakiel - Fortaleza

por Niten - blog - 11-Sep-2017

Izakiel ficou em Shugyo (Retiro de treinamento intensivo com o Sensei Jorge Kishikawa e os veteranos da sede do Instituto )
No mês de Setembro, Izakiel escreveu sobre essa experiência de perseverança e superação:

O Shugyo é uma experiência intensa, em meio as tarefas e treinos diários, questionei minha capacidade de continuar.
Com o passar dos dias, percebi que embora as tarefas demandem minha energia, os treinos me recarregavam para o dia seguinte.
No Dojô, os Senpais demonstravam sua didática e liderança ao puxar os treinos, colocando tantos alunos em ordem sem baixar a energia do grupo.
A presença do Sensei é o fator mais importante. Com olhar aguçado e experiente, corrige a todos, apontando aqueles detalhes que não pudemos notar.
Shugyo também é convivência e cotidiano. Aprender a transportar a mesma energia que alcançamos nos treinos para o cotidiano, seja em nossas ações ou na convivência com outros, é algo dificílimo e vou me esforçar para melhorar neste ponto.
Agradeço ao Sensei pelas observações precisas e por partilhar seu conhecimento.
Aos Senpais pelos exemplos de conduta e pelos treinos.
Aos colegas de treino que me possibilitaram avançar no Caminho.
Domo Arigatô Gozaimashitá a todos.
Izakiel Paz 

Tags: Shugyo,

Kenzo in Florida

por Takeshi - US/Miami - 06-Sep-2017

We received Kenzo in the state of Florida this August.

Senpai went to Orlando in the Kissimmee Dojo and also in the Miami/Weston Dojo. It was a trip filled with training, talking, learning and also fun! Senpai Kenzo practiced with everyone, training almost every day of his visit and also took a time to go to Fort Lauderdale just to feel the waters of the North Atlantic in his feet.

We thank Senpai Kenzo for his visit and wish he can come back again soon.


Continues (complete post)

Biirudo in Weston, FL

por Takeshi - US/Miami - 05-Sep-2017

After the Workshop with Senpai Kenzo, a Biirudo with the students.

We had a intense training with Senpai Kenzo, so nothing better than to relax with food and cold drinks! Not only that, but we could talk with Kenzo Senpai and learn more about the Bushido. In a more relaxed enviroment, more teachings and secrets are passed, not only about techniques, but mainly about Samurai and Japanese culture.

With this biirudo we say sayounara to Senpai Kenzo in Weston and wish him good luck in his next step.

Arigatou gozaimashita!

Tags: Birudo,

Workshop with Kenzo Senpai in Weston FL

por Takeshi - US/Miami - 02-Sep-2017

Sunday August 20th Workshop by Senpai Kenzo in our Weston dojo.

A lot of new techniques and secrets were revealed and Senpai Kenzo did Keiko (1 on 1 practice) with every participant.
In the end, everyone was exausted but happy, with the sentiment of gratitude and the certanty that a big step foward was taken.

Arigatou gozaimashita Senpai!
Gambatte Niten Miami/Weston!

Tags: Evento, Visita, Treino, Kenjutsu,

Training with Senpai Kenzo in Miami/Weston Dojo

por Takeshi - US/Miami - 01-Sep-2017

Saturday August 19th we had the presence of Senpai Kenzo in our Miami/WESTON dojo!

Senpai Kenzo introduced us to new exercices and techniques and also corrected others that we were already practicing. It was a great experience that made us push ourselves further and also opened our eyes for new possibilities.
Thank you Sensei Jorge Kishikawa for this opportunity and thank you Senpai Kenzo for the visit.

Tags: Visita, Treino, Kenjutsu,

Golden Moments - MELODY

por Niten - Internacional - 29-Aug-2017

Golden Moments - Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
The Bushido philosophy applied in our daily life.

Tags: GoldenMoments,

1st Colorado Kenjutsu Workshop

por Thomas - US/Denver - 27-Aug-2017

1st Colorado Kenjutsu Workshop with Senpai Helio Kenzo Dino!

Attendees came from around the Greater Denver area to participate in the first Niten Institute workshop in the state of Colorado, while our visiting Senpai, Kenzo Dino, brought his positive energy all the way from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Senpai Kenzo taught everyone about the origins of Niten, the Institute today, and how training helps us improve ourselves.

During our demonstrations, I really enjoyed fighting with Kenzo-Senpai and I worked hard to show the attendees our NITO (two-sword) stances.

Everyone really enjoyed our demonstration of KEIKO (open combat), so when their chance came to put on the armor themselves, no one hesitated. Kenzo-Senpai pushed everyone to work hard and really draw out their energy. By the end of the three hours, it was obvious from everyone’s tired but happy faces that they had enjoyed the workshop.

Arigatou gozaimashita to Kenzo-Senpai and all our participants for making our first Colorado workshop a success! We look forward to training with you again soon!

Gambatte kudasai,
Thomas Spanos

Denver Coordinator

Senpai Kenzo in Colorado

por Thomas - US/Denver - 26-Aug-2017



Continues (complete post)

Niten Ichi Ryu in Orlando

por Kenzo - US/Orlando - 26-Aug-2017

Hélio Kenzo and Marcos Fugulin

Tags: Niten_Ichi_Ryu, Visita,

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    Niten Institute International
    +55 11 94294-8956
    [email protected]