Last posts:
Speech from the Master of Ceremony Carlos Eduardo Cunha -
Journalist / Student of Niten
Speech by Dr. Massaki Shimada
The representative of the Governor of the State of Sao Paulo
Speech by General Akira Obara
First Nikkey* General of the Brazilian Army and Chancellor of the Samurai Tradition
*Nikkey - a descendant of Japanese
Speech by Dr. Deputy Maurício Lemos Freire
Director of Tactical Operations of the Civil Police
Words by Solange Alencar
APCD Coordinator
Speech by Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
Yoshimitsu Kishikawa and Gilberty da Costa Miglioli showing the musket used in the demonstration
Dr. Maurício Lemos Freire - Director of Tactical Operations of the Civil Police,
Dr. Edson Nakamura - Director General of the Civil Police of the State of Sao Paulo
Sr. Massaki Shimada - Representative of the Governor of the State of Sao Paulo
Lieutenant Colonel PM João de Paula Ferreira Neto - Representative of the Military Police Command of the State of Sao Paulo
Sensei delivering a commemorative medal at the 25 years of the Niten Institute to the Deputy Dr. Maurício Lemos Freire
Sensei Jorge Kishikawa receives homage from the Military Police of the State of São Paulo and honors the representatives of the State Government and Military Police of the State of Sao Paulo with the title of Chancellor of the Samurai Tradition
Sensei receives homage from the Governor of the State of Sao Paulo
Speech from Dr. Maurício Lemos Freire - Director of Tactical Operations of the Civil Police,
Sitting by his side Judge Samuel Meira Brasil Junior, Corregidor of the Court of Justice of Espírito Santo / Student of the Niten Institute for 20 years
General Akira Obara - First Nikkei general of the Brazilian Army
Civil Engineer Álvaro Bottini dos Santos - Vice President of ABJICA - Association of Scholars of Japan International Cooperation Agency
Mr. Osmar Ramos de Azevedo - Representative of the Niten Institute at the Parque das Nações de Sao Paulo project
Dr. Edson Nakamura - Director General of the Civil Police of the State of Sao Paulo
Mr. Massaki Shimada - Representative of the Governor of the State of Sao Paulo
Dr Luiz Augusto Prado Barreto, Lawyer / Student at Niten Sao Paulo
Master of Ceremony - Carlos Eduardo Cunha - Journalist (Student at Niten Brasília)
Sitting at the table: Sensei Yoshiaki Kishikawa and Sensei Michiko Kishikawa, parents of Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
Medical Colonel Ricardo Lopes - Chief of the Health Division of the 11th Military Region (Coordinator of Niten Brasília) and
Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Amorim - Warfare Instruction Center in the Jungle, CIGS of Manaus (Student of Niten Manaus)
Results of the 1st WORLD KENJUTSU CHAMPIONSHIP held on October 20th and 21st, 2018 in São Paulo with the participation of delegations from:
Portugal, England, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
¨Seventy dojos in action
Go foward Niten
From my heart
Everyone together let´s go
Foward Niten
Hail the Tradition!¨
We started the match at Wimbledon. London.
And Niten`s powerful serve has no way to defend.
At the end of the day: point for Niten in this first set!
Queiroz came from Rondônia, invited by the PIONEIROS NITEN Project
*Rondônia - far north Brazilian State
*Pioneiros - Pioneers
It´s delightful, after 25 years of founding Niten, that my teachings reached one of the most distant lands in Brazil.
It´s possible that you, like our colleague, believe that you are living, but in reality, the days just pass by. You will only be sure when you meet Niten.
"There is no way to explain the inexplicable.
2 days of training, and I´m feeling like I´m living now for real.
I was very aggressive, I didn´t think of my words, I hurt many people for not thinking before speaking, lack of discipline, and especially ... Honor. I wasn´t being loyal to people who love me, I wasn´t having wisdom, and all that, in those 2 classes I had, I saw how important this is, and how much we need it.
Every time I was training and shouting loudly, "Mennnn," "Doooo," every time I shouted fully, I felt that something as a negative energy left from my being, my mind, my heart. The handling form, the way the Samurais deal with each other is unexplainable, a very b form. It awakens our attention to simple things, not with the mind, but with the heart. Respect, delicacy, compassion, there is a very great balance and there is certainly something spiritual in the Dojos, hovering over all the Samurai.
I was, and I am still bewildered, surprised and trying to understand what is happening. But I am sure that when I return to my state [Rondônia], I will not return as the same person, I no longer feel as the same.
To know Sensei in person, to know all of you who helped me from the beginning, who guided me, to know the other Samurais, is doing me very, very well, and I will enjoy a lot of the training I still have, and I will come back, to return for sure, to be loyal to my Senpais, Sensei, the Niten Institute, the Samurai code.
So thank you so much for everything! "
Queiroz - Pioneer of Rondônia, 2 days after arriving in Sao Paulo
"Ohayou Gozaimasu Senpai.
It´s ... what can I say about an unexplainable experience.
I came from the state of Rondônia, to meet the Niten Institute, to learn about the Path, and what I find is something that is beyond the swords, is something beyond the struggles, what I find is something spiritual, what I find is a life philosophy.
Today I wonder, how, how can a culture be so b and change a human being in such a powerful way? There are somethings that are and will always be unexplainable.
All my life, I thought I was living, but today, I saw that I was not living at all, but rather letting the days go by. Now after I met Niten, after I met Sensei, the Senpais, after I knew the art, the Path of the Samurai, now I´m living every minute of my life, observing the little things, the simplest, the smallest, is something very powerful. What is behind the sword is something tremendous, discipline, respect, compassion, this is the path of the Samurai, this is the true Way.
I´m grateful to Sensei, and Senpais who made every effort to teach me, a Niten Pioneer, all the lessons, all the techniques and above all, a different way of life.
Today I feel with a light heart, I feel with a calm mind; disturbed once but now, peaceful. Today, finally, I am living life as it should be, so I thank everyone who helped me and who accompanied me.
Arigatou Gozaimashita"
Queiroz - Pioneer from Rondônia, after returning home after 2 weeks in Sao Paulo