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Coffee with Sensei

Thoughts and comments by Sensei Jorge Kishkawa

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    SHIN in English!

    3, 2, 1, Zero!... liftoff! The SHINHAGAKURE in ENGLISH is launched!
    Shinhagakure was released in English!
    From now on SHINHAGAKURE is also available in English!
    Available through Amazon"s publishing tool, everyone from almost every country can purchase this book!
    The English version of Shinhagakure is the result of the efforts from José Manuel, translator and a Translation professor at the Fluminense University, a careful revision from Thomas Spanos, coordinator of Denver"s dojo from Niten Institute, and the final artwork preparation of Sebastian Koziner, coordinator of the Niten"s dojo from Mercedes city, Argentina.
    An international team for a book that now begins its international journey as well.
    A special Arigato for those who were committed in this project, and for all those who help lead the Niten Institute across borders.
    "As a student of NITEN in the USA, reading the Shinhagakure is a chance for me to sit at the foot of our master and receive his wisdom, despite the great distance. I am very proud to have helped in a small way with the new English version of the book. Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita!" Thomas Spanos

    Click to Buy the ShinHagakure at AMAZON


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