This defines in a few words our encounter: the 1st Niten Institute Workshop in the United States of America.
It's been a pleasure to meet all of you, that with determination and will, have demonstrated your warrior "tamashii" (soul) that day.
Our Master, Musashi Sensei is certainly very pleased. Despite of being known for almost 2 centuries in America, this is the 1st time his teachings have been officially transmitted, in a pure and genuine way.
In this month, I went to Japan, put the light on an incense at his grave
The Niten Cultural Institute, on its turn, is honored. Bringing the art of being unbeatable thru the Kenjutsu Combat to the people who has fought so much to be respected is rewarding.
As for me, I'm proud. This has been the first time I taught a class in English. It's been a tough "shiai" (combat), but I believe I won.
Practice firmly, cause we are going to re-encounter, to hold other "Historical Moments".
Arigatou to all. - Sensei Jorge Kishikawa
"I would love to join to an academy soon."- Desiree Galindo
"It was a fantastic experience at the workshop. Looking forward for more.
Regards"- Miguel Pachon
"I enjoyed the workshop and Sensei Kishikawa's instruction, I am open to future practices should opportunities arise, and thank you for hosting me last week" - Eric Jacobs
"Looking forward to more classes and seminars"- Nabil Abbasi"
"I feel really grateful for been part of the Workshop and extremely honored of having meet sensei Kishikawa. I believe it was an amazing experience and that we are all going to try to incorporate the extensive knowledge the sensei shared, to help us keep our Kokoro Gamae strong.
I sincerely hope that this workshop/seminar had served as the key to open the entrance door for the Niten Cultural Institute to the USA.
Just good luck and thank you very much again for the opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact me for updates on new events or assistance.
It will be an honor and a pleasure to help in any possible way.
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita!
Best Regards" - Alberto Roque
"It was an honor to have participated in the first workshop in the USA with Sensei Kishikawa. I have read the Book of Five Rings a few times in my life and being that this is the evolution of Miyamoto Musashi's Legacy to the world. I'm looking forward to the
time when we can train and cross swords with Sensei or his disciples. My fiance, Vanessa Velasquez, and I are looking forward to the next workshop or dojo opening here in Florida. Regards" - Juan M Borrero Rivera
"I am truly honored to have been able to participate in this workshop. I had a truly inspirational evening. I felt rejuvenated and motivated, something I had been struggling with recently. Thank you deeply to everyone for an incredible experience. I look forward to the next time. ^_^" - Vanessa Velasquez
"I am honored to have been able to practice Niten Ichi Ryu here in the USA and to be part of the first group in America.
Arigato Gozarimashita" - Leonardo Gonzalez