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Kendo-Kenjutsu - Itto (1 espada) Vs Nito (2 espadas)


The Art of the Samurai Sword

By ADM Niten

Kenjutsu is the art of sword combat, created by the Samurai in feudal Japan. Today it is the art that is most reliable to pass on the teachings of the Samurai in our daily life, maintaining alive a tradition that goes back more than 600 years ago.

For the combat trainning part, the practicioners use a body armor called bogu and bamboo swords known as shinai. These equipments allows a injury free trainning of the old techniques.

With this safety precaution at our disposal, all combat is practiced very close to the reality of the Samurai in feudal Japan. The same cuts and strikes done at the time, the same combat postures, the same studies of strategy and, above all, the same influence of the Bushido.

Goshinjutsu - Samurai Self Defence Techniques

Goshinjutsu Kata (sequence)

In our classes we also practice Goshinjutsu techniques.
- The Kobudo arts, be the Kenjutsu, Jojutsu, Iaijutsu or any other that we practice in Niten, have Goshin aplications.
"Go" means Defence, and "shin" means Body.
This can be translated as Body Defence (Self Defence).
The Kobudo arts in Niten offer techniques that were useful in the battlefields in Samurai times.

Miyamoto Musashi's Kenjutsu School

The main school taught in our Kenjutsu classes is the Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, created by Miyamoto Musashi, the most famous Samurai in the world. His techniques are known by the use of two swords simultaneously, capable of defeating the most formidable opponents that crossed Musashi Sensei's way.
Sensei Jorge Kishikawa is a Disciple of the current head of Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu School, Yoshimochi Kiyoshi Soke. Jorge Kishikawa Sensei has the Menkyo Kaiden, the highest diploma, received directly from Shihan Gosho Motoharu (Yoshimochi Kiyoshi Soke's father and the highest authority in the school techniques for several years until his death in 2016)
Know more


Miyamoto Musashi Special in the History Channel - Part 2
Watch Part 1 and Part 3 in our Videos page.


Niten Institute International
+55 11 94294-8956
[email protected]